by Ascent admin | Feb 14, 2025 | Uncategorized
Immunotherapy is a preventive treatment for allergies, and it works by modifying a person’s allergic reactions. Immunotherapy for allergies involves exposing an allergic individual to small doses of the allergen that he is sensitive to. A gradual increase in the dose...
by Ascent admin | Jan 24, 2025 | Uncategorized
When you become dizzy, have vertigo attacks, or feel out of balance, it becomes clear to you that it is more than just a small passing instance of lightheadedness. More often than not, these symptoms are associated with problems in the balance system of the ear, a...
by Ascent admin | Jan 8, 2025 | Uncategorized
Introduction Have you ever thought about a day without hearing? A life like that is challenging for everyone. But you can believe that with Ascent ENT Specialty Center, a life like that doesn’t have to affect us. We will help you regain your hearing and bring your...
by Dr. Ranjith Venkitachalam | Dec 30, 2024 | Uncategorized
Snoring, often trivialized by most people, is a health problem that leads to many serious and sometimes even life-threatening complications. Snoring is becoming a big problem in every family these days. There are many wives who have put up with their husbands’...
by Dr. Ranjith Venkitachalam | Dec 16, 2024 | Uncategorized
Migraine is a major cause for headache and is seen in people of all ages. It is often characterised by a severe or throbbing headache and is often associated with nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to bright light and loud sounds. Migraine headaches usually last about...
by Dr. Ranjith Venkitachalam | Dec 12, 2024 | Uncategorized
Our ears do more than just help us hear—they also play a big role in keeping us balanced. However, there are many myths about ear balance that can lead to confusion. In this blog, we’ll clear up five common misunderstandings and explain the truth in simple terms. Myth...