A lot of patients visit ENT Specialists in Dubai with a complaint of dry and itchy throat. It is more prevalent during the dry and cold winter months. The dry and itchy feeling in the throat causes a mild discomfort and hinders speaking continuously and sometimes forces the patients to take frequent sips of water. These patients also tend to experience poor-quality sleep.There are many reasons for the dry and itchy throat.

The most frequent cause of this issue is dehydration. Taking sufficient water in the dry, cold months is very important. Allergies are also very common in Dubai and can cause a dry and itchy feeling in the throat. Some people with allergies have blocked noses, which leads to mouth breathing, which in turn dries up the throat.If you suspect allergies might be the cause of your discomfort, you can refer to our guide to choosing the best allergy doctor in Dubai for tips on finding expert care.
Voice abuse, such as continuous talking in a loud voice or singing, can cause swelling of the vocal cords and fatigue of neck muscles, leading to similar irritation in the throat.

One other commonly seen problem is Acid Reflux. In today’s busy lifestyle, people tend to skip or delay meals and drink too much tea and coffee. This, along with stress and spicy meals, favours acid reflux, wherein the acid in the stomach tends to come up to the throat. This acid can irritate the skin of the throat, causing dryness, itchiness, burning sensation, hoarse voice, and dry cough.

There are simple lifestyle measures that can reduce these symptoms. Adequate hydration, timely meals, avoiding very spicy foods, avoiding too many teas/coffees, early dinners, and steam inhalation are simple but effective remedies.

If symptoms persist or become worse, it is important to seek medical help from an ENT specialist.