Snoring, often trivialized by most people, is a health problem that leads to many serious and sometimes even life-threatening complications. Snoring is becoming a big problem in every family these days. There are many wives who have put up with their husbands’ snoring and it has become a part of their lives. The main reason for this irregular sleep is the obstructions in the airways. For this, it is high time to get a snoring treatment in Dubai.

As we all know, Snoring happens only while we sleep. When we sleep, our neck and tongue muscles relax, causing a narrowing of our upper airway. The turbulent airflow in a significantly narrowed airway causes vibration of loose tissue of the palate and tongue, resulting in noisy breathing that we all know as Snoring.

Most snorers generally have no snoring-related complications. But some of them develop symptoms like choking episodes while sleeping, daytime sleepiness, lethargy, etc. The stopping of breathing while sleeping is known as Apnea (Obstructive Sleep Apnea, or OSA).

 If you are looking for a sleep apnea treatment in Dubai, here are a few things you need to know:

This is caused by a complete obstruction of the upper airway while sleeping. Some snorers experience multiple apneic episodes, putting a significant strain on the heart and lungs. On top of this, our brain does not get sufficient rest as the sleep pattern goes haywire. In spite of sleeping for 8-10 hours, snorers feel drowsy and tired exactly for this reason. Resulting excessive daytime sleepiness makes some of them even doze off while driving, resulting in accidents.

Before starting treatment, snorers need to be assessed by sleep study and endoscopy of the upper airway. Sleep study helps the doctor to assess the magnitude of the problem—is it mild, moderate, or severe? Endoscopy helps to look for conditions that cause abnormal airway narrowing. Nowadays a Sleep Endoscopy is also performed to find the exact sites of obstruction or collapse while the patient is sleeping.

Depending on the site of obstruction, severity of the disease, and patient factors, non-surgical and surgical treatments are advised.

Non-surgical treatments include CPAP machines, Mandibular advancement devices, weight loss, etc. Surgical treatment depends on the sites of obstruction in the airway. These include Septoplasty, Adenoidectomy, Tonsillectomy, Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, Tongue base debulking, Epiglottoplasty etc.