Otology & Neurotology
Otologists and Neurotologists are specialized in pathological conditions of the ear and related structures. The speciality deals with hearing and vestibular sensory systems and related structures, it’s functions as well as diseases, diagnosis, and treatment. Specialized training skills of our Surgeons enable them to operate within the skull on the parts of the brain and nervous system related to hearing and balance. Neurotologists also operate on acoustic neuromas, glomus tumors, VVRT, V-HIT, and other conditions found deep in the skull.
At Ascent ENT Speciality Centre, we pride ourselves on having some of the best otologists and neurotologists in Dubai. Our team of skilled professionals offers superior care for various ear, nose, and throat conditions. If you’re searching for an experienced otology doctor in Dubai, look no further. Our experts are dedicated to providing exceptional diagnosis and treatment, ensuring you receive the highest quality of care. Trust Ascent ENT for expert otology and neurotology services in Dubai.
Frequently Asked Questions
Precautions to be followed after ear surgeries
Minimal usage of telephones is highly recommended. Conversing over speaker mode will be ideal for not causing much stress during the recovery phase. Post-surgery recovery period, loose clothing has to be worn and any strenuous activities to be completely avoided. Exposure to loud noise during the period has to be avoided. Water contact to be completely avoided until sutures are completely healed. As dizziness may occur driving to be avoided & flight travel is prohibited until fully recovered.
What is Otosclerosis & what are the remedies ?
Otosclerosis is a condition in the ear due to abnormal growth near the tiny vibrating bones in the middle ear, resulting in conductive hearing loss. For few dizziness, vertigo, and instability may occur. With laser stapedotomy, stapes are partially replaced with a prosthesis restoring conductive function to the ear. Traditional hearing aids are also an alternative to regain the hearing loss.
What is Myringoplasty ?
Perforations in the eardrum can be repaired with the procedure myringoplasty. Due to various reasons perforations can cause to the eardrums including infections, pressure problems, and prior trauma. The
condition is often associated with hearing loss and may lead to further complications, including infection and drainage.
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Otology and Neurotology in Dubai | Otology Clinic in Dubai | Audiology in Dubai | Neurotology in Dubai | Otology Doctor in Dubai
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