Tonsils & Adenoids

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Tonsils Treatment in Dubai

Tonsils and adenoids are lymphoid glands at the back of the throat (tonsils) & nose (adenoids). Infected or enlarged tonsils cause recurrent sore throat, upper airway obstruction, swallowing difficulty & snoring.  After airway assessment, adequate treatments are adopted either medically or surgically as per the conditions. Later specialized training and therapy are provided to the patients to adapt to the routines.

Tonsillectomy & adenoidectomy are common procedures done to manage chronic, recurrent inflammations of the tonsils & adenoids. Our surgeons use Coblation technique for Tonsillectomy and Endoscope guided adenoidectomy.  This gives the patient fairly pain-free post-operative experience.

Tonsils & Adenoids

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Frequently Asked Questions

Surgical removal of Tonsils & Adenoids in Kids

Prime reason tonsils and adenoids to be removed are due to recurring throat infections and snoring. A surgeon may recommend removal of growth surgery based on clinical history. Snoring in kids with enlarged tonsils and adenoids interrupt sleep patterns and brawl to intake right amount of oxygen while asleep. Also, they develop habitual wrong breathing patterns which effect their behaviors and they may exhibit lack of focus and general tiredness throughout. Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy is highly recommended in these cases considering the ultimate benefit of child health.

What is sleep apnea & What are the treatments ?

Sleep apnea (OSA) is a disorder that disturbs the sleep due to breathing difficulties due to the muscles at the back of the throat obstructing the airway. When it occurs the person brawl to intake right amount of oxygen while asleep. It recurrently occurs and the quality of sleep is disturbed. There treatment available namely, CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) its done via a mask worn over the nose that is attached to an air compressor. The air pressure holds the airway open throughout the sleep. Other methods are also adopted to prevent the tongue collapsing into the airways. Through surgical management, the physical abnormalities are removed that cause the airway obstructions.

What is LPR & why its called Silent Reflux ?

Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (LPR) refers to the back flow of food or acid back up into the larynx or to the pharynx. A feeling of a lump in the throat or difficulty swallowing may be the initial signs of LPR. Some may feel heartburns. After food intake, normal cases digestion process will begin without the contents of the stomach coming back up again causing refluxing. Not every case maybe with reflux with heartburns or indigestion. Many with LPR may never have heartburns. That is why LPR is also referred as silent reflux and very difficult to diagnose in many cases.